Palasí's résumé
with samples of work
Direction of IT teams

I have 10 years of experience in direction and leadership of IT teams in multicultural environments and difficult conditions (lack of resources, work under pressure and dangerous environments) while delivering results on time. show/hide details...

Some samples

These are some samples which attest my experience in leadership of IT teams:

  • 2005. Documents attesting my work as Chief Information Office at Defensoría del Consumidor: a daily log registering the task I did every day, an activities record of the IT support this Department did under my coordination between 09/28/2005 and 10/20/2005, the achievements of IT Department under my Direction and some planning documents and regulations of this department elaborated by me

  • 2004. Company profile of Aurum Solutions which attests my work as a Chief Executive Officer of this company.